Friday, November 14, 2008

what's in a name?

well... this is my first post... actually i've blogged b4 but my previous blog only had 4 posts in it... at first it was quite overwhelming to see all the comments that were posted by friends who followed it... but as time passes by, the idea cage in my head kept shrinking... and finally i've stopped blogging ever since, until now...

what's in a name? as a muslim, i do believe that a name and its meaning plays a pivotal role in a person's life... it should have good meanings... hence, there are many parents out there who spent days to name their newborns... as in my case, my parents had somehow named me with a girlish name, while i was born with a tiny little thing dangling proudly between my legs ^_-...

a few jokes had been made by people around me about the name, including teachers alike... used to be pissed off by it, but eventually got through the whole emotional scenarios... btw, i do have a nickname which my friends mostly call me by it ever since i was like 10, and now i'm 25... having people called me with that name for such a long time, made me feel like it is like my real name... and to make things worse, i felt awkward whenever my real name is being used... silly me...

for those who might want to know what my nick is, it is apeq... it was given to me by a boy who rides the same bus with me when i was in year4... during that time, i was the only primary school kid who take that bus, while the others already in secondary school... i will write more about this later on... the name apeq came to his head due to the fact that i was studying in a chinese primary school at that time... and somehow that name sticks to this day...

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