i am sick of lame excuses that are being displayed on my phone... especially no access to network... wtf? it's not like i'm in the endau-rompin reserve or whatsoever... come on la maxis... buckle up... a lot of your loyal customers have migrated to digi... sooner or later i'll hop on the wagon as well... at least that fat-yellow-annoying thing is doing his job...
so maxis, this is my sketching on the class desk dedicated to you... it is inspired by the boredomness of the lecture...
p/s: the chinese characters in the word bubble reads "ben dan", which means "stupid"...
so maxis, this is my sketching on the class desk dedicated to you... it is inspired by the boredomness of the lecture...
sorry la uitm... nanti aku padam la...
if that's the case my bro, i think u need to make a move to other telco. u're da king man! kot ye pun marah ngan maxis, takyah le ceconteng meja tuh, babap dia tau! motip kreatip!
exactly..i tought it was my phone....yg aku geram tetibe dapat msg ada voice mail..network full bar..adehhhhhhhhh!!! aku siap campak hp..cabot simkad kot2 hp aku biol..last2 abg aku cakap..
" bro..i'm having the same problem!!" lohhhhhhhhhhhh!
wehhhhhhhhhh! padam balik! padam balik meja ko conteng tuh! jahanam harta uitm..wakakakaka!
farah: hehehe mmg igt2 nk tukar pon kak... tp saye ni dok asik tukar no je... dh cam org lari utang la plak hehe...
ridzuank: rilex bro, jgn cmpak2 fon... mahal wooo... jom a kite pakat berambus ke telco len... simkad murah skang ni huhu... bab meja tu, nnt gua pdam hehe...
Hey hello there, i already filled my claim to the consumer tribunal. the hearing will be on the 29th February 2009. Wish me LUCK!!!
errkk! 29th february 2009? are u sure?
Celcom laa...((aku ada jugak guna henpon..apa..ingat orang takder awek tak guna henpon ke?..))
ala celcom pon problem... lgpon aku tak nak sokong celcom sbb pakai pemain bola epl jd modal iklan. ape kalid jamlus tak bley slide cam dorg ke?
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